Shakti to Shivshakti (Day-5)
One moment of silence in remembrance of GOD.
Om Shanti sweet and becoming Shivshaktis….
“For whole 9-day series of — ‘From Shakti to Shivshakti’ Shakti is the soul and Shivshakti is complete soul made by God in remembrance of GOD..”
Want to grab the today’s virtue and power — Baba knew it you all are just as excited as a small kid 😀
Me too, because we all shaktis are always the child for our Godfather and for our bodily parents..
So, catch sweeties…
Today’s virtue and power are here:
Virtue of knowledge and Power to pack up:
Lemme tell you both are interrelated let’s enjoy two flavour in one cup ..
Virtue of knowledge given by ocean of knowledge -the supreme Godfather Shivbaba; how we shaktis are able to understand and learn worldly studies and knowledge since we shaktis operating our ‘small kid bodies’ because Baba has given us this virtue of knowledge .
Now, second flavour or the ‘power to pack up’ seems new yes it is because many new and wonderful things are taught by God only as he is the ocean of knowledge so he can emerge new and true knowledge as well…
One moment of silence in remembrance of GOD
This power of a Shakti empowers a soul to get-grab-grow;
Wait wait Full version is here
Get: Being ready to become Shivshakti we takes first step and our most beloved Baba makes us able, so that we can get his true knowledge;
Grab: This means now as God himself ocean of everything has it’s our next step to be a Shakti with wisdom who can emerge God’s knowledge within. Here’s the use of “power to pack up” came and empowers us. This power is the ability of Shakti to stop all the waste thoughts, waste words, waste deeds so that can become a Shivshakti who is everready to go back home the soul world- Nirvana.
More simple — who has completely detached himself/herself from this old and materialistic world and just want to become pure God’s child.
(“A short glance on God’s child — the Shakti who is lucky to get to know reality of GOD and want to be his child alongwith the life and not afterlife;
Logic- Why to be a God’s child only when we become old, having life taking diseases, no that should not be our approach to remember GOD.
He should be our life and every new parent should make their child able to remember GOD because he is the real parent of all us Shaktis and hence he should be loved and remembered more”)
Using this power Shakti is able to disconnect from this mortal world and people and completely surrenders to the immortal-supreme-incorporeal-godfather-shivbaba.
Grow: When a Shakti become and embodiment of knowledge like her originator God or sweetest God Shivbaba, shakti is just growing and growing on the true journey of being shivshakti .
One moment of silence in remembrance of GOD
Hoping all are just going to be complete 3Gs and are just wearing their dress of Shivshakti- a complete and pure God’s child.