Revealing the secret of…
1936 to 18 January 1969
So, guys now you may know who is real God or our sweetest Baba 💓 and through which medium he has established a very beautiful institution the brahmakumaris where we get to know the ways of connecting ourselves with God ❣️ and also daily murli or daily teachings of GOD.
The story started way back in 1936 when the Brahma baba (the white dressed old being) has some visions of transformation of earth from old to new.
Then he realised that these visions and the feeling of detachment I am getting can only be the power of Supreme God or our sweetest Shivbaba ( the point of light in red aura) .
And you know what that’s true it was the time mentioned in many scriptures and pilgrimage that one day God will arrive to liberate all of us and take back to home with him.
And then all this real fairy tales started when Brahma baba the businessman of diamonds has become trustee and surrendered all his love and wealth to this institution for this sacred work of saving humanity and make aware of everyone that really God has arrived to love all of us and guide us for the new way of living.
And all the campaigns started by brahmakumaris and you may have a question that what is the meaning of “kumaris” it means the young and pure girl not married..
And so with a group of Brahmakumaris (the kumaris adopted by Brahma baba) Baba started to save all the beings of vices — lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego and proved that the real lord of Geeta — Shivbaba has told that problem started when you all souls have got the disease of these vices and just because of body consciousness and forgetting the real one — the soul consciousness.
Then he also proved that God is not omnipresent because he is everpure and never ever came in the cycle of birth and rebirth also his purity is limitless and he can be in stone and pebbles.
Many foreigners too get connected with same godly institution and realised that this knowledge is true and we are not the body who taken birth outside India instead the whole world is one family.
Another sacred practice was of giving love and positive vibes to everyone by making our own thoughts pure first by daily reading murlis the daily teachings of Baba in which God himself guides us to what to do and what to do not…
This journey was going and going limitlessly and this one day came of — “18 -January-1969” when the Brahma baba achieved his complete and angelic state and leave his body at the age 90+ and can you imagine at what age he has started at the age of 60 yess.
He also got many disease in between but he never ever get demotivated instead he start more efforts to be a pure soul ❣️ and so he did and his power booster none other than our supreme supreme sweetest Baba ❤️ incorporeal God Shivbaba
Why incorporeal God Shivbaba because he has no body and so don’t have any bodily limits he is the only God of whole world the father of whole world he has no religion he in himself is a religion and he loves all the souls in equal manner and we are too his children the incorporeal souls remembering him while staying in this mortal bodies and our seat is the centre of our forehead and between the eyebrows and that’s why we always says- “ my body is feeling good right now but never says that I am body is feeling good” .
So, there are countless facts and history of GOD and his obedient children who has faced so many difficult things so that we all souls can become a real godly child and so the complete and pure soul and when we pass this stage next thing is to make other souls too..
Hope the point that our most beloved Godfather Shivbaba want to tell you caught it and now it’s the time that you realise the real identity and power of God and also contribute to this transformation of earth from hell to heaven by remembering God and making your thoughts, words and deeds pure.
Thank you 🙏
Satyam shiv is truth
Shivam shiv benefactor
Sundaram shiv is beautiful
Om Shanti Om Shanti Om Shanti
I am peaceful soul
I am peaceful soul
I am peaceful soul
God is my real father
God is my true teacher
God is my supreme guide
(Recite it and see the magic)