No to anger — 10 easy ways
One moment of peaceful silence in remembrance of GOD
Welcome back Baba’s sweetest and peaceful children..
No, delay of second let’s jump on the spot today ..
Answer me one question — “ facing anger issues?”
Yeah 😅
Don’t worry GOD or our most beloved Baba is with us and so he suggested some ways following which we can easily imbibe the virtue of peace and patience in ourselves …
- Say sorry to Baba and all the souls on whom you have been doing anger (even from inside) let’s do this 1st step together: remember GOD and say — “Oh! Dear almighty I am sorry by my heart, please help me in being a peaceful soul spreading peace in whole world as like you” — Feeling light!
- Try to focus on all the wrongs you did and not on others: means try to emerge all the mistakes and misbehave you did.
- Now put yourself in the same situation a soul is in on whom you are angry and showed the anger in past..
- Try to forgive that soul (can send your thoughts as well): “Oh dear soul brother we both made the mistake together no one alone is responsible, I forgive you in true remembrance of GOD and also want your forgiveness, please forgive me in remembrance of GOD”
- Feel that both God and that soul has forgive you: now just forgive yourself and promise to yourself for not getting angry again and just relax yourself
- Prepare yourself: Again remember GOD and while absorbing his pure and powerful energy visualize that his rays are entering into your head to toe and making you so powerful that in any unfavorable situation you will not be getting angry..
- Pill of Patience: Now take a chill pill of Patience and give your in hands of GOD and having faith on your Friend — The God or our most beloved Baba that he is not going me to allow to get angry again his remembrance is my pill of patience.
- Start motivating: Now along with yours encourage others to join this magical journey starts from an angry being to a peaceful being in remembrance of GOD .
- Believe in you: just forget the past because above we have taken the mercy of GOD and his forgiveness as well with a pure and true mind and heart, now we’ll just move forward in this journey .
- Peaceful thoughts: Anger can be in our mind as well so to remove it completely just remember GOD more and more and be an embodiment of peace.
One moment of ultra silence in remembrance of GOD
Thank you!
Satyam shiv is truth
Shivam shiv is benefactor
Sundaram shiv is beautiful
Om Shanti Om Shanti Om Shanti