Meditative Insights into the Three Worlds

2 min readOct 4, 2023


Three worlds exists » Brahma Kumaris (

“Physical World — Subtle World — Soul World”

Welcome Back! to “ Shivbaba’sLoveNotes”. Our supreme authority GOD has unveiled the secrets of the 3 worlds: Physical; Subtle; and the Soul World. He taught the knowledge of how a soul leave it’s home or the soul world(sweet silence home) and came to this physical (corporeal) world (we are reading and writing right now) and makes efforts to go to subtle (world of thoughts) world and then back to it’s home- ‘soul (incorporeal) world’. Isn’t sounds interesting? YES!

Most beloved Godfather Shivbaba has thrown the light upon the three existing worlds talked above; he given us insights that we are an incorporeal souls or a shapeless being like a small point of light, has now came to this corporeal or physical world because we forget about our own identity and started assuming ourselves as a body and as a result finds it difficult to have our own originality or knowing our own selves, but “Sweet Shivbaba” father of whole world came and makes us free from the same and telling the truth of us, him and the three different worlds through which a soul’s life journey passes by.

Hope! this article gave you an insight of the 3 worlds.

Om namah Shivaya! Om shanti!




Written by ShivBaba'sLoveNotes

🙏Child of Shiv Baba | Spreading Love & Light | embarked on a spiritual journey to delve into Shiv Baba's wisdom & embrace the universal love that connects us.

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