Imbibe divine virtues
One can be a divine person and the key is ..
Huge hearty and pure welcome of our choco pie Baba’s sweet marshmallows 🥰🇲🇰
A very very happy new year 🎊🎊
Highly happy and satisfied to be an instrument of God’s very first article as in year 2024..
Today’s you know what our baba has touched to present an article on — “imbibing divine virtues”
Means we need to be an amiable person or being.
Let’s look what baba has said -
He says you all are my children 🙌 no doubt! But dear child think upon it how it can be showed upon that the God has arrived 🎉🙏 and those children who has already knows about the same will be the ones who has witnessed the reincarnation of GOD and will also be responsible for attuning the world and help others soul to ascertain the reality that the whole world father has arrived to liberate all of us….
So, have you got the very deep rooted point from above ☝️
Why to worry dear when god’s instrument is there..
Baba is saying that we all souls who has adopted one of the divine virtues like purity, knowledge or many more and who is getting knowledge from God himself are the first and the luckiest one of having god’s graced upbringing and so the responsible god’s child to show the whole world that the world’s father has arrived 🎉❤️
And now the question ❓comes in the picture 🖼️ that how this divine project can be completed upon ..
Either by learning a programming language or by becoming a ceo of a company .
No, by just imbibing divine virtues in ourselves.
Again a new born question ⁉️
What are these divine virtues?
Very simple again for you god’s child 🙏
Peace, purity, love, knowledge, happiness, joy, power, prosperity, contentment, resilience, sweet words, clear thoughts, powerful pure personality, only dependent on God and the list is going on and on.
So, today Baba has emphasized one of these divine virtues for us to be work upon that is divine virtue of — ‘sweet words’.
Like we god’s child can show our father the supreme authority if we have the capability of healing others with our sweet words because today’s world has achieved the very prosperous growth in technology, but not in humanity and so the question of divinity can be answered only if we pass it’s first part is to prove existence of humanity and by speaking very softly and hearty words can save many moods as well as many lives because today the satisfaction and love are more needed than money and that’s the reason how our sweetest Baba(God) has healed us with his two sweet words — “my most beloved and sweet children”
Soothed you!
Me too (already)
Are you ready god’s child and his responsible child to support others souls too like a master God 💓💓
Okay Tata enjoy your new year in a very pure remembrance of our Baba(GOD) feel him as he is with you and listening you 🙏 💖
Have a healthy mind and body throughout the year and till many..
Om namah shivaya 🎉🥳
Satyam shiv is truth
Shivam shiv is benefactor
Sundaram shiv is beautiful
Om Shanti