God’s grace 😇 everywhere but not the God.

2 min readMay 14, 2024


moment of god’s remembrance!

Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

Hello -Hello and very graceful welcome to all our love- Baba’s lovely children!

Now in a very concise manner let’s grab baba’s light and might on today’s thought.

We all need godfather’s grace because from very long time survival is the only key to existence on the earth and more precisely when there is attack on all 4 sides- mind, body, money, resources. And if you think from the perspective of Baba then only you will came to know that every single human being is suffering…

Such kind of environment really needs the ‘godly — might — elevation’ because the world is not just bound by the things, beings, places you and I look or live at but it’s huge and huge.

moment of god’s remembrance!

So who will we be going to save each and every human as well as the nature we human destroyed just because of getting more ‘body ?

Yes! you got it right.

Our most beloved godfather Baba because he is the father of whole world, he is the only true well-wisher of this whole world, he is the only reason why we all are surviving today. But, then also we have done a wrong with him. YESS

The wrong of saying him “omnipresent” but in fact the true essence of this word is that our baba is present in our pure hearts, in our intellectual minds. Another fact is that is the only resides in his Supreme Abode- paramdham or nirvana.

It is also true that he came on this old earth for us his children who are suffering just because of our own wrongs and committed sins but being ocean of love and peace he do save us from all vices and our bad deeds.

But he never resided in that old body of prajapita Brahma, he only took his body as medium to be get talky with us, got it!

Hope and a strong belief that baba’s light has been thrown on you and will lead to you on a great journey of knowing god by god.

moment of god’s remembrance!

Om namah shivay- shiv the world’s benefactor!




Written by ShivBaba'sLoveNotes

🙏Child of Shiv Baba | Spreading Love & Light | embarked on a spiritual journey to delve into Shiv Baba's wisdom & embrace the universal love that connects us.

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