Godly do’s and don’ts
Welcome back our most beloved Godfather Shivbaba graced children 🪄🇲🇰🪄🪄
If you have started reading daily bk murlis the supreme teachings our lovely lovely baba then you may came to know what are the do’s and don’ts our eternal father says to us and you know what the top most thing is that if you follow them then you will get unlimited happiness and you may experience extreme joy and the magical thing is that our Baba teaches and tells everything so sweetly that touches you(soul)..
Let’s begin to learn those do’s first:
- Remember GOD our sweetest Baba
- Be pure
- Free from waste and negative thoughts, words, deeds
- Always contemplate the knowledge gems in your mind
- Give happiness, give blessings and in return get them back in abundance
- Be happy always
- Eat those foods that are easy to digest and made in remembrance of God
- Love yourself because God-Father has adopted you
- Stay in your higher state of mind connect with God
- Be calm and silent both from mind and mouth
Om namah shivaya 🎉🎉
God is my love 💕💕