GOD says: ‘an amicable soul’ can embellish this world….
Hi souls hope you all are achieving excellence on your spiritual growth till you become a powerful God’s child.
Most beloved Godfather Shivbaba or the ocean of peace 🕊️ himself has been arrived to elevate us and to make us an amicable soul.
Baba has been only tells us that dear soul make yourself peaceful because the you are a child of ‘ocean of peace’ and peace is your original virtue which was just forgotten by you.
And that’s the only reason why you souls started finding peace outside whether in company of a person or by spending lots of money and time to visiting other places but then also you never found peace, because you have to do all the above things again and again but wait my child and look into yourself and take a deep breathe and try to focus on me (God) and your original nature.
See how beautifully our Baba has consoles us to be an embodiment of peace again as the support system of the world the ocean of love, the ocean of bliss has arrived. Baba ensured that if each and every is able to emerge it’s original attributes and qualities and them for other souls also then there will in no time heaven will come back on this earth again- sounds suprising let’s have a detailed overview on this in next part..
Om namah shivaya Om Shanti
Satyam Shivam Sundaram