GOD’ s Love- Truth
One moment of confessional silence in remembrance of GOD
Most hearty welcome to all of you baba’s pure and sweet child!
We all know about the oceans (of virtues- peace, love, purity, joy, happiness, knowledge, power) our most beloved BABA(GOD Shivbaba) has. And if you put attention to one of virtues in the brackets- “purity”, got it!
Being ocean of purity our ‘apple of our eye’ our godfather shivbaba wants his children to be an embodiement of his virtue as well. Means dear souls- our baba wants us to be a soul who is all pure whole by heart, mind and body, also by words, thoughts and deeds.
No worries because our baba all has all an really all answers to resolve our questions and to satisfy our curosity and so here is answer;
“Dear soul my child in order to fill any clean thing into any container either we find ‘new container’ or we try to ‘clean the used one’ to fill it with new thing, so as your heart and mind. You all souls have taken so many births and rebirths that your heart and mind is somehow is not new as was in heaven when you first wear this body for the first day on this new earth or the paradise, so in order to fill your mind and heart with my(GOD’s ) remembrance you need to clean your heart and mind and make it pure to retain godly knowledge and love..
First, step is to practice more and more RAJYOGA (taught at brahmakumaris centres also have many official websites) and get rid of “body-conciousness”.
Second, step is to confess all your wrongs to me with a promise to not doing it again.
Third, step help others to get rid from all the negativities, you caught with, just because you all forgotten your original father, your original nature and your power.
Fourth, step never made a practice of lying and defending your wrong, as it will act as a stong barrier in your soul-elevating journey in remembrance of me(GOD)
Om Shanti My sweet children love and blessings to you to become successful and complete soul.”
AH! My baba you console all of us thank you most beloved Godfather Shivbaba!
Happy ! dear soul sisters and brothers and all the best from my side as well.
One moment of enlightened silence in remembrance of GOD
Satyam shiv is truth
Shivam shiv is benefactor
Sundaram shiv is beautiful
Om Shanti Om Shanti Om Shanti