1 min readDec 12, 2023


One moment of powerful silence in remembrance of god..

Photo by Febe Vanermen on Unsplash


No aim to scare you!

Welcome ever supreme godfather’s dearest and powerful children

So, answer the question- “GHOST = ?”

Have ever thought before before which souls become ghost?

Let’s look at our most supreme godfather’s answer:

Our sweetest and world’s knowledge giver lovely Baba tells that —

“ghost is nothing but the residing vices in any human — lust, anger, attachment, greed, ego, laziness, fear; these vices only makes a living human a ghost because when a being has no real knowledge of god, no knowledge of his/her ownself (soul- consciousness) then such a being becomes a GHOST”

But you know what our most most beloved Baba want to save us from becoming a ghost that’s why he has arrived for us. So, be the magnet which attracts god’s power, knowledge, love, purity and become a deity person and can also save other beings too.

Ok till then- “One moment of pure silence in remembrance of GOD”

Om namah shivaay

Satyam shiv is truth

Shivam shiv is benefactor

Sundaram shiv is beautiful

Om Shanti(I am Peaceful Soul)




Written by ShivBaba'sLoveNotes

🙏Child of Shiv Baba | Spreading Love & Light | embarked on a spiritual journey to delve into Shiv Baba's wisdom & embrace the universal love that connects us.

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