One moment of powerful silence in remembrance of god..
No aim to scare you!
Welcome ever supreme godfather’s dearest and powerful children
So, answer the question- “GHOST = ?”
Have ever thought before before which souls become ghost?
Let’s look at our most supreme godfather’s answer:
Our sweetest and world’s knowledge giver lovely Baba tells that —
“ghost is nothing but the residing vices in any human — lust, anger, attachment, greed, ego, laziness, fear; these vices only makes a living human a ghost because when a being has no real knowledge of god, no knowledge of his/her ownself (soul- consciousness) then such a being becomes a GHOST”
But you know what our most most beloved Baba want to save us from becoming a ghost that’s why he has arrived for us. So, be the magnet which attracts god’s power, knowledge, love, purity and become a deity person and can also save other beings too.
Ok till then- “One moment of pure silence in remembrance of GOD”
Om namah shivaay
Satyam shiv is truth
Shivam shiv is benefactor
Sundaram shiv is beautiful
Om Shanti(I am Peaceful Soul)