Awesome! Truth of world cycle by God himself…

2 min readOct 28, 2023


One moment of true silence in remembrance of GOD

Photo by Artem Riasnianskyi on Unsplash

Welcome welcome dear Shivbaba’s sweetest children 🙌🙌

Today Baba has given us the true knowledge of world cycle ..


Obviously 😂

Baba has described how a world complete it’s age of 5000 years.

Yess it’s the total and real age of Earth which God or our sweetest Baba told us.

And in this 5000 years how, this below cycle get completed

Can search more on official website of brahmakumaris

God has described the 5 ages through which the earth goes through..

1. Golden age(heaven):

The age in which we souls are complete and living as an embodiment of all virtues and powers, being the first age of world it has everything new and in abundance , the world without any sorrow, even at this age we don’t have any blood sucking mosquitos😀😀

2. Silver age (1250 after heaven):

Small brother of golden age in which we souls looses our 2–3 virtues and powers but everything is very much fine ..

3. Copper age (2500 after heaven):

This age where the world got shaken up do you know why?

Because till silver age we all souls are already in state of our original nature of being soul conscious, but after taking birth and rebirth for 2500 years on this earth we souls forget about original nature and become body concious from where the story of determination of human and world begins.

4. Iron age (Kaliyuga):

This age is which all are experiencing the full contradiction of Golden age.

5. Diamond age (Confluence age) :

Talked in last article right! The age where God himself arrives to gave us the true knowledge of ours and his(God) and the age we can again become pure soul . This age is also a human as well as world benefactor age because it’s the age through which we can connect with our everpure and supreme Godfather Shivbaba…

Hope you got the idea of true knowledge of world cycle.

One moment of god’s love experienced silence in remembrance of

Om namah shivaya 🎉🎉

Satyam shiv is truth

Shivam shiv is benefactor Sundaram shiv is beautiful

Om Shanti 😌😌




Written by ShivBaba'sLoveNotes

🙏Child of Shiv Baba | Spreading Love & Light | embarked on a spiritual journey to delve into Shiv Baba's wisdom & embrace the universal love that connects us.

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